About Dangarfield Cattle Co.

Breeding Philosophy
Our motto "Calf or Carcass" has been in force for over forty years. From a controlled mating program all females must produce the goods each year or be turned over to carcass. A cow has two ways of making you money annually (read more).

Our People
Bob Adams was born in Brisbane in 1900. He suffered from chronic chest problems and was advised to move west for his health. He married and moved to Muttaburra and worked as a bridge builder. In the 1930’s he moved his family to Yelarbon near Goondiwindi and built a grocery and universal provider store (read more).

Stud History
In 1958 David turned up at Dangarfield with a Brahman/Santa Gertrudis cross bull and said "I can’t sell these, so use this one and see what happens". The bull was big, nearly black and bellowed in a high pitch tone - as an 8 year old boy on a pony Robert kept his distance (read more).

Property Overview
A 9,200 acre property situated 65km from Taroom and 115km from Roma on the Taroom-Roma Road. Dangarfield was purchased in 1947 by Bob and Graham (Senior) Adams on a half share basis. It currently serves as the home to their 550 stud cows and approximately 250 commercial breeders (read more).